Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Russell Peters Round Up

I know those movies are a bit old. Just a hack of it, I picked all the long shows available on you tube and put it here.

Comedy Central

NYC Part-1

NYC Part-2

NYC Part-3

NYC Part-4

NYC Part-5

NYC Part-6

NYC Last Part

Outsourced: 1

Outsourced: 2

Outsourced: 3

Outsourced: 4

Outsourced: 5

Show Me The Funny


Thursday, February 15, 2007

Gmail sign-ups are now open worldwide!

I've seen this announcement couple weeks ago. Actually it didn't work for some countries. Now official google's blog announced it again. Most of us already have gmail anyway...
With this announcement, google updated something with their gmail chat. Try typing "<3" when you are chatting with your friends or love ones.


Thursday, January 11, 2007

David Backham is coming to United States

David Beckham is coming to play in LA Galaxy in August! Yup Yup!
I'm hoping to see his skills in MLS. :)

